
Thursday 4 July 2019

How to be a School Leader!

Are you interested in becoming a School Leader? Then
pay close attention, I’ll be
teaching you how to be a great School
Leader at PCS.

First off, you have to be very respectful towards others. This
is because you talk to lots of people, even special guests that arrive
at the school for a Duffy Assembly, which you might be chosen to
introduce. Why does being respectful apply to this? Because you have
to be very kind as you are speaking to them, otherwise they might not feel
as welcome. Respect is an important quality you should already have
before you get chosen as a Leader. You also shouldn’t have an
annoyed tone as you speak to people either. You should also
make others feel welcome, such as new students or guests.

Next comes confidence. Confidence is very important. Back to the
“introducing guests” part, you have to be confident enough to speak
to them. And you also have to take on the job of having to host
whole school assemblies a few times. This also means having
to contribute as a School Leader. Accept other ideas that people
have, it's also okay to give feedback if you disagree. For
example, School Leaders can also organize fundraisers for
trips. When you are discussing fundraiser ideas, take in
other ideas and accept them, rather than not accepting
anything at all.

And then comes responsibility. Another important quality
for School Leaders. You have to be on time. For a few things,
maybe jobs. Speaking of time, you also should be
able to manage your time. Time is important, you should
be able to prioritise. Since school leaders get jobs, you
should try to put the important jobs first, and the least
important last. And you should be hard-working,
like getting work done instead of spending it doing
less important things like having a conversation with your buddy.
That’s what makes responsibility important.

Last comes being a learner. School Leaders should
be able to finish their work fast and go to a job. They
should still be able to learn stuff, and handle their jobs. It sounds
a little hard to learn and do jobs at the same time, but you should be
able to be hard-working. Being hard-working doesn’t mean you can
finish work immediately, not always do you have to finish it.
All you have to do is try and have fun. As the school motto
says, ‘We have fun learning.’

All of those qualities are important. They all add up to being
a great School Leader. Being a School Leader also applies
to your life in the future because all the information about
your schools go onto what's called a CV. On your CV it should
say that you're a school leader. That information is important,
because when you want to get hired for a job, whoever is
hiring you can look at your CV and know that you’d
be a great employee. That makes it easier for you to get a job.

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